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Our Approach

Catalyst 2030’s membership drives its approach. The movement continually takes shape and form as its membership evolves.

The Strategic Pillars’ diagram outlines the key focus areas of our members to create collaborative systems change.
The Strategic Pillars of Catalyst 2030

About the Strategic Pillars

Base: Build and Maintain the Movement of Social Change Innovators

Co-create and operate the Catalyst support infrastructure to keep the movement thriving with members focused on impact while also finding ways of supporting their physical, professional and mental wellbeing.

Foundation: Support Dominant Culture Shifts Towards Equity

Catalyst engages collaboratively with stakeholders, placing value on systems, community and collaboration to shift norms away from dominant culture decision-making towards a more equitable balance of power.

Pillar 1: Develop Enabling Environment for Social Entrepreneurs and Social Innovators to Flourish

Catalyst 2030 will develop:

  • the profile and understanding of social entrepreneur’s (SE) roles
  • the scale and responsiveness of the SE funding system
  • improvements to policy, frameworks and sustainability practices at the country level as well as issues at a specific level
  • communities’ foundational role in realising the mission

Pillar 2: Catalyse Collaborative Action

To address the scale and complexity of systems change around the SDGs, Catalyst 2030 will emphasise collaborative action among social entrepreneurs and other stakeholders who are pursuing systems change centred on people-driven initiatives across issues and collaborative projects at a community level.

Pillar 3: Facilitate a Systems Change Learning Ecosystem

Recognising that the systems change challenge requires new mental models, cultures, tools, processes and organising approaches, Catalyst 2030 will stimulate the on-going evolution of learning ecosystems for social innovators, adapting and changing based on learning and evidence. The pillar will facilitate peer-to-peer learning, identifying, sharing and co-creating tools to achieve systems level change.

Catalyst 2030’s Seven Core Principles

Collaborative systems change approaches that mobilise social entrepreneurs and innovators to tackle the root causes of social problems, while imagining large-scale future systemic change is what drives the Catalyst 2030 movement forward. There are seven compelling principles, built on collaborative systems change, that drive the movement’s values and have served as a benchmark to inspire and measure its members’ major activities. These are:

People and nature at the centre

Convene as an honest broker

Create shared spaces for collaboration and co-creation that democratise the engagement of all stakeholders in society without discrimination.



Use collaborative systems change principles to connect social entrepreneurs, innovators and other stakeholders, across diverse communities, to generously share knowledge and resources to inspire the acceleration of progress towards attaining the SDGs.



Community members, working in collaboration, co-create the overall strategy and direction, to provide all stakeholders with the opportunity to actively contribute to the future.



Consistent opportunities to celebrate the movement’s accomplishments, from awards ceremonies to events that keep members engaged, are important to keep participants focused.



The movement’s impact will be supported by research and measurement of outcomes as it expands. Necessary recalibration will take place to focus on “true North” to achieve the SDGs by 2030.



Member organisations and activities must be developed coherently to form a shared identity of fellow travellers who are learning about and activating systems change. This is important to achieve the goal of growing the movement’s impact.
Change Consciousness

Change Consciousness

Shift norms away from a focus on individuality, to a belief that individual and community prosperity can be achieved with the same action.

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