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Prosper or Perish: Handmades in 2024

01 May 2023 | 18:00 - 19:00
Workshops, seminars and lessons
(Policy) Roundtable discussion

This session describes the specific parameters/requirements for cotton and silk textiles to get over the EU border after March of 2024. It outlines the marketing claims & business advantages of acting early.

It may include parameters for additional categories of: jewelry, coffee, rice and some home furnishings.

The goals are:
1) Alert makers to the coming challenge
2) Explain the reasons behind the EU’s new regulations
3) Describe how to prepare for post 3/2024 exports
4) Outline marketing areas that benefit from moving faster

The hosts

Scott Frankum Nilesh Yadav

Sustainable development goals

SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production SDG 13 - Climate Action SDG 9 - Industry Innovation and Infrastructure

Session Recording

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