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Catalyst 2030 Newsletter highlights

11 July 2023 | Catalyst News

Newsletter statistics for 2023

Now that we’ve passed the halfway mark for 2023 we thought we’d share some insights on the Catalyst 2030 Newsletter and what our readers like to read.

Opening rates

First up, our Newsletter opening rates have been above Mailchimp’s standard newsletter opening rates (which range from 15% to 25%), reaching a record of 51.3% for our Members Distribution List in February 2023.

While we saw a slump in April and May – coinciding with the publication being delayed by a week. In June when we returned to the usual publishing date, we had near-record opening rates of over 45% again.

Click through rates

Our click rates tell an even better story. While the average clicks for Mailchimp range from 1.62% to 3.99%, some of our Newsletter stories record much higher rates. For example, an article about social entrepreneurs and the WEF at Davos 2023 had a whopping click rate of 99% in the Members Newsletter for February, while a link to Catalyst 2030 membership had a click rate of 83% in the same month.

Articles that include links to Catalyst 2030 membership information published for non-C2030 members, regularly have opening rates above 80%, with 88% recorded in April. And in the same distribution list, there was a 100% click rate for Catalysing Change Week registration, with all CCW2023-related articles having a click rate above 80%.

Most read articles

Members favour stories on events, funding opportunities and Member Stories. Highlights, apart from the clicks listed above, include the stories, Pilluna, Promoting a Social Economy, and Unlock the power of collective action and mental health.

Non-members focus on Catalyst 2030 itself, particularly membership and events. They also liked articles on the Conscious Food Systems Alliance, the Academic Hub and mental health.

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