Catalyst 2030’s NGO Open Letter in which we call for a shift in global funding practices for more effective support of grassroots organisations and sustainable social impact has attracted more than 1000 signatories in just a few months.
The open letter, which speaks to all global funding organisations, including governments, corporates and philanthropists, entitled An Urgent Invitation to Shift Funding Practices, challenges traditional funding practices and proposes innovative ways of funding and supporting organisations involved in systems change work focused on attaining the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Catalyst 2030, spokesperson and co-chair of the movement’s Shifting the Funding Paradigm Working Group, Bradley Myles, announced the 1000 signature milestone at the annual Catalyst 2030 Awards for Systemic Change ceremony recently.
Most of the signatories so far have come from the Global South. Countries with the greatest organisational representation include Kenya, India, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and South Africa. Twenty funders have also shown their support for the principles by signing the letter. The letter is in line with our drive to join forces with communities, governments, businesses and others to change systems at all levels, through collective action and bold new strategies.
The letter contains ten principles for funders to follow that will enable NGO’s to be more impactful. These include a commitment to:
- Give multi-year, unrestricted funding
- Invest in capacity building
- Fund networks
- Create transformative rather than transactional relationships
- Build and share power
- Be transparent and responsive
- Simplify and streamline paperwork
- Offer support beyond the check
- Collaborate with other funders
- Embrace a systems mindset in your grant making
Read and sign the full letter here.