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Working Together to Accelerate Change at Catalyst 2030

1 September 2021 | Catalyst News

For the first time in the one and a half year existence of the Catalyst 2030 network, a Midterm Strategy Review was conducted as part of an ongoing monitoring, evaluation and learning framework. We wanted to assess how working together can accelerate change and how the collective “we” can do better.

The survey which was composed of 24 cross-thematic qualitative and quantitative questions, was distributed to all members, and completed in July 2021. We asked questions related to members’ learning journeys, their needs and the impact of Catalyst 2030. The resulting report begins with the journey of Catalyst 2030 in the first generation (Incubation phase) and outlines findings, a network evaluation, lessons learned, and the next steps in the process.

The insights gained were interesting and relevant to the future development of Catalyst 2030. The key lessons include:

  • navigating the membership experience and value,
  • collaborations and opportunities for deeper connections with fellow social entrepreneurs,
  • continued support for dominant culture shifts towards equity both internally and externally in the network,
  • capacity building on systems change learning, and
  • accelerating and demonstrating impact.

Catalyst 2030 needs to make a conscious effort to showcase the added value of the network to:

  • deconstruct dominant culture towards equity that can affect funding access,
  • catalyse collaborative action,
  • develop an enabling environment for social entrepreneurs to flourish, and
  • be a place for learning and education about systems change.

If the Sustainable Development Goals are to be achieved by 2030, as desired under the Catalyst 2030 vision, then a comprehensive impact tracking system and/or system map needs to be implemented and supported. As it is often hard to gauge collective impact on such a scale, a high degree of attention will be necessary to assess and document impact.

Over the years as Catalyst 2030 continues to expand as a network, movement, and community of like-minded yet diverse social innovators from all corners of the world, united by a single vision of fulfilling the SDGs by 2030, let us be reminded frequently of the incredible work achieved already as well as the enormous mountain still left to climb, together.

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